Inventions - Letters and Numbers

Author: TS / Labels: , ,

Today's inventions of the day are the written letters and nummbers... despite meant in a rather disadvantageous way. Yes, they organize our everyday-life and led to so much progress, BUT: they cause us to write term papers and you to read this stuff here :D

So, just a random message from me today.

Sleep well and stay in touch... whoever reads this... HI! Me... ooh, I'm talking to myself... see, you're still reading and probably thinking "Ooooooooookaaaaaay, whatever" ;)


Sina said...

No, I did not think "Ooookay, whatever", my thoughts stopped when you wrote "nummbers" in the second line. Even I know that this is not right ;)
Letters give you the chance to write down the thoughts you would not dare to say to someone directly...

TS said...

Don't you read what I write? Yes, they have positives... but think of the crap you have to read from others sometimes ;)

Without the letters and nuMMbers (:D) we would still have fun PAINTING the walls all the time to communicate or we'd just paint (down) or thoughts ;) (I know the down is wrong, but a nice counterpart to "write down")

Sina said...

You mean the crap I have to read, but don't want for example?! Or the crap written in the newspaper? Or...? (the stuff you write :P )
I think there would have to be a lot of walls to paint all thoughts and happenings of today... Actually I like writing/typing etc more/better...

TS said...

Just use the window of our beloved neighbor as a paint wall ;) I'm sure he would be happy about a bit of revenge^^

And during the times they did write on walls everybody could see everything, too - there were no secrets... everybody could see what others had done... AH!! Now I understand why all the governments want to watch us: they are preparing us to take us back in time: we'll be cave(wo)men again ;)

Sina said...

To be honest I would not paint on his walls, just because they "belong" to him...
Yeah, but imagine that everybody would know all your little secrets. Might be scary.
Of course we will be cave(wo)men again! We actually are, but nobody notices.

By the way... I might not be commenting for the nex few days, cause I do not have internet. Enjoy the silence ;)

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