Inventions - Right Mouse Click

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , ,

Last year we were forced to use Mac(intosh)s at university to create PowerPoint Presentations... so we would "learn" how to use PPT and to make people believe that we just progressed in media competence. First, it was a waste of time because I didn't really learn anything useful (yes, transitions are nice but time suckers and unnecessary) and second, most of those who used it for the first time haven't really used it since because there are other methodological methods to bringing a message across. My PPTs also mostly consist of Text, some pictures and maybe a nice pre-programmed background. But nobody cared to tell us anything about citing picture sources in that seminar. Oh well.

I delivered a "nice" presentation about the Boston Red Sox (at least we could choose our topic) while wearing my Red Sox jersey. However, I created the presentation at home, mainly for two reasons: The darn computers didn't seem to have a proper and working save function and there was NO RIGHT MOUSE CLICK on those Macs... What the hell? Yes, you could kind of force the pop-up menu by pressing the Apple key or something but hey: this process requires another arm!! Just for a simple pop-up menu? No, thanks.

Micro$oft has messed up things for the last couple of years but when Bill Gates really was still in charge there were great innovations, one being this beloved right mouse click (at least I think it comes from these folks). Work just goes so much quicker especially if you copy a lot of stuff from the Internet: just click the right mouse button, then save link as and voilĂ , another window (usually) pops up asking where you want to save the file. Or click right, copy an image and paste it somewhere else again. It's just a few clicks away. SOOOOOO nice.

So, there you have it: our often-used but way to little-appreciated right mouse klick.

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