Inventions - Rewind, Backspace, Reload

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Remember the old times on a typewriter? Once you typed something the ink rested on the paper and there was no way of erasing it, except, of course, crumbling the paper and throwing it away. There were not only a few people who made mistakes on the last line on a page and had to re-type EVERYTHING!! Was I glad when my mom got our first electronic typewriter with a display where you could check every line before it was typed. Now you received a second chance to edit something before it became final. Sure, I still made mistakes and also still make mistakes on computers but at least I have the chance to edit everything before the ink touches a pixel of the page.

Therefore, this is my invention of the day, week, month? Whatever. Any mistakes you made virtually can be corrected and nobody is ever going to see them and you don't waste bazillions of $,€,£ or else on paper and every tree thanks you for that... if they actually could... but maybe they can. But that's not the issue today.

But I can't imagine what I would do without my nice backspace key on my keyboard here. I don't want to know how many mistakes I make every line. Four to six? More? It's also very amazing to me how such things can be programmed to work in the correct way: a computer has absolutely no problems erasing something only to overwrite it again.

Yet, this is not the only area where a backspace or rewind comes in handy. You didn't understand a part of a song or you need to rewind it so your children or students can understand it better? No problem! The solution is only one key or button away. I really don't know what we would do if we didn't have these options.

"I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake." -
Luis Miguel

But what if some people don't like who they are or what they have done? Sometimes I, too, wished there was a rewind or backspace button with which you could right at least some of your wrongs. But this will never happen. Yes, Christians would say "But Jesus will right your wrongs if you believe in him". 1st: this only applies to the faithful only and 2nd, the errors or even right things will always stand there - unfazed. Even if you did something right you can not try to go a different way that might have been righter or maybe even the wrong one at that time but better or more exciting in the long run. If you missed the fun at one time in your life and realize it later: guess what! There's no way to change it. Yes, life might be more interesting this way and you have to take your chances when they arrive but anybody show me one person who never wished to correct something in his or her life. I doubt there is anybody who never wished to correct at least one part about his or her life. I would have tons to correct or other ways to at least try out. And if it doesn't work: Just click reload to go back to an earlier save game and leave your life the way it is and you might even realize the real beauty of non-perfection.


Sina said...

Hey there!
You wanted one person who doesn't wish to correct anything in her/his life. Take me! I really do like my life as it is and I know that everything happend for a reason. So I don't want to change one thing. Sometimes I even know why things went "wrong", because from my point of view now, I see what happend because of this wrongdoing and this result makes me feel that I really had to go this way and no other. Even if I hurt people or what have you I know that this maybe happens because they have completed their tasks in my life or I in theirs. Which way doesn't matter. Sometimes you just have to do things wrong. Which makes me wanting to ask you: What is right and wrong in your opinion??? I mean, one thing can be wrong from your perspective now, but some years later, you might see the whole context and just know that it was right what you did. Or even easier, if somebody has another opinion than you he might think that what you did was completly right. Actually I don't think that right and wrong do not excist. Maybe in Mathematics or science at least. But not in life, because life depends on so many decicisions everyday that you don't even realise 50% of them. And if you always ask, what would have been if I would have done it this way? Then you just show me that you haven't understood anything so far about life and if you want to understand something, start your life now and stop thinking. Because you can't learn your life by thinking you need to live it!
Before saying "bye"... Life often times depends on feelings... and who really understands them or can control them or.... ? And if you don't know what you are feeling just push the "pause"-Button of your thinking and let your heart do the rest... life...
greetings from somebody, who just takes her time to enjoy life...

P.S.: I know that you know this comment, but I thought of putting it here again so that people see that there actually IS somebody commenting. Great that it works now! Thanks!

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