New blog

Author: TS / Labels:


I think I will move my blog to the following address since this one is starting to annoy me with the errors it has: As soon as I'm all set there (like importing blogs) I will also write my comments about last night's election.

Have a nice day :)

Church as your employer

Author: TS / Labels: , , ,

You think you lived in a country with equal rights? Read the article and think again!

Arbeitgeber Kirche: Angestellte in Gottes Hand

Blog Template

Author: TS /

There seems to be a problem with the background of the comment link. I will prbably change the template. Thus there might be different layouts of the blog. Whatever will work best since I think Google's templates are kind of boring...

Problem: other templates have problems with pictures, too... *sigh*

Murderer coverage vs. Victim Protection

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , ,

The dilemma of “school shootings”

Why put the term “school shootings” in quotation marks? The term was defined some years ago, I guess after two crazy lunatics shot a lot of people, including themselves, at Columbine High School, Columbine, MI. But maybe earlier, I’m not sure. Mostly school shootings were “shootings”. However, last week there was an incident that was a bit different. It wasn’t a shooting, it was rather a “school axing” and “school Molotov cocktailing”, which happened in Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. “School assassination” or at least “attempted school assassination” would fit much better here. Fortunately there was another difference to past incidents. Nobody died, or at least has died yet. A girl who was hit in the head by an axe is still in coma, as is the committer of these horrible acts (I don’t know about the third girl who is still in the hospital, too). To be honest, I hope all three survive. I hope the girls survive, preferably with the ability to fully heal, so they can enjoy life, or at least what will be left. And the other one so he can await a trial and atone for his crimes.

But that’s not up to me. And it’s not the goal of my post. It’s rather about searching for reasons and ranting about the media. This immediately brings me to my first point: media coverage of the event. Not one day passed before the picture of the guy (let’s call him “guy”) was shown everywhere again: TV, Internet, you name it. The problem I have with this is: he had been captured already. There is absolutely no need of posting his picture since nobody was searching for him anymore. When will the media realize that for most of these people exactly this picture is their goal? Even though most won’t be able to feel this moment of glory anymore, but they die with the thought of being covered for the next week. It is already proven that the guy looked up to the past school shootings and the murderers. I wonder why they were like a role model to him? He hated people, was left out by others and this was his chance to become famous. He might have even be loved by others who planned the next school assassination if he had killed enough people and died as a martyr. Therefore, to the media: PLEASE STOP POSTING THOSE DAMN PICTURES AND EVEN NAMES OF THESE IDIOTS!

It doesn’t have anything to do with his looks or name: what is more important is searching and then solving the reasons and something I have missed for a long time: victim protection or compensation. At the moment everybody is talking about the guy, barely anybody about the victims and what consequences this act will have on their future. If the girls are lucky they will completely heal PHYSICALLY. But there’s another side to a human being: the psychological aspect. They will NEVER EVER completely heal in this area. No matter how many psychologists will care for them and how good they might me. Some victims even think that it was their fault that they got injured or almost killed. Others might think that it was their fault that they couldn’t protect their friends. Depression can be the result. My hope is that this will not be the case. But where can you find this aspect of the event? Yes, they are covering that psychologists go to the school and that there are voluntary school activities. But still: I still have the impression that the guy is covered more than these victims. Another aspect is compensation. Hopefully, insurance companies will pay the victims every cent of their rehabilitation. But what comes after that? Maybe there is nerve damage and they might not be able to do the job they wished to do. What is then? I doubt insurance companies will pay the money for the job they wished to practise. I know that these last sentences are pure speculation and even catastrophizing. But it’s still possible. Moreover, I know that no money will be able to heal wounds but what good will a prison sentence do to the victims? They know that they can’t be attacked by him for the next 10 years (MAYBE forever), but will constantly be afraid that something like this might happen somewhere else again. Again: victim protection and compensation is very problematic, but nobody is really talking about that *sigh* (OK, this paragraph was kind of unstructured and probably too speculative, but these are my thoughts).

But staying on topic victim protection: this time preventive. One reason why the Carolinum, the school the school assassination took place at, wasn’t safer is because of a nice law or organisation we have in this nice yet extremely, stupidly bureaucratized country: GEZ, Gebühreneintreibungszentrale. An organisation that takes money from the public for a device that might be able to receive radio signals which could be used to watch or listen to ARD, ZDF and their affiliates, the TV/ radio stations which are governed by public law. The managers of the Carolinum wanted to install a school shooting alarm. However, the problem was that these devices would have worked with radio waves and therefore would have cost the school a lot of money. A publicly-funded body needs to pay a different publicly-funded body. HOW F***ING RIDICULOUS IS THAT??? The school couldn’t pay for these fees and therefore didn’t install these devices. They could have prevented a lot. But no, our stupid laws prevents more security. Oh wait, no they don’t: We are secure, because the BKA (the German CIA) can read our e-mails, text messages and prevent any such actions: This school axing is just a figment of our imagination! WE ARE SAFE… aren’t we?

So instead of a school shooting/ assassination alarm the other alarm the school had was triggered. What was the other alarm? Fire alarm. And guess what: The guy threw Molotov cocktails (burning things!) into classrooms so the students and teachers would come out. He waited for students in the hallways so he could axe them. So much more could’ve happened. Oh, praised be our security!

As an end to this post I will put some comments of users to an article on ( which pretty much resemble my opinion and also gave me the idea for this post:

Dumm für jene
welche die Wurzel alles Übel an allen Amokläufen bei den Sportschützen und ihren gefährlichen Waffen sehen. Was sollte jetzt geschehen ? Alle Äxte und leeren Flaschen verbieten, so das von denen keine Gefahr mehr ausgehen kann. Das Problem ist immer der Täter und nicht die jeweilige Waffe die er benützt. Das Problem sind überforderte Kinder und zuviel von ihren Kindern fordernde Eltern. Das Problem sind mobbende Mitmenschen und eine Erziehung welche die selbstverwirklichten Eltern zu gerne der Strasse überlassen.

Die üblichen Verdächtigen
Grausigerweise können jetzt diejenigen recht haben, die behaupten, dass Amokläufe nie auszuschließen sind. Nun werden alltägliche Gebrauchsgegenstände zur Waffe, was in Sportschützen- und Jägerkreisen zur Verteidigung der ständigen Vorwürfe gegen Waffen in Privatbesitz schon immer vorgebracht wurde. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, endlich nach den wahren Ursachen zu forschen. Eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle, wenn nicht gar der Auslöser, ist ständiges und aggressives Mobbing (früher Hänseleien genannt). Jetzt werden sie Farbe bekennen müssen, die Mobber. Ihre Rolle wurde in Erfurt und Winnenden überhaupt nicht beleuchtet. Doch es gibt nur einen Schuldigen, der der die Tat verübte. Jeder ist für seine Taten letzten Endes persönlich verantwortlich.

Amok Berichterstattung.
Es ist erwiesen, daß Berichte über Suizide die Nachahmung unterstützen. Das ist seit Jahrhunderten bekannt, spätestens seit "Goethe: Das Leiden des jungen Werther.". Sollte die Berichterstattung über Amok Läufe nicht ähnlich wie über Suizide schlicht eingestellt werden?

Die Politik
wird es sich jetzt wieder einfach machen. Killerspiele sind bestimmt schuld und das Elternhaus. Dabei ist es die von der Politik geformte Gesellschaft, bei denen für die Jugend an Vorbildern mangelt. Ein Kind kommt nie schlecht auf wie Welt sondern wird so gemacht.

Have a safe day, everybody :)

My opinion about the CDU

Author: TS / Labels: , , , ,

see my comment to the "Schäuble Unser" post... now you know what my opinion about the CDU is...

Schäuble Unser

Author: TS / Labels: , ,

Dear Children,

The good Lord sees everything,
The good Lord hears everything,
The good Lord knows everything,
Thus let us pray together:

Our Father in the wheelchair,
hallowed be your name,
May your fourth reich come.
Your will be done,
in foreign and domestic affairs.
Give us today our daily trojan horse,
and always suppose our guilt,
as we denounce
those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
but deliver us from evil.
For our genetic data
and the surveillance state
and data retention are yours
now and for ever.


I so love it!

Language Tests for Children

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , ,

Last night was the TV Debate between the "chancellor candidates" Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Angela Merkel. Why the quotation marks? Let's be honest: Merkel will become chancellor again since Steini doesn't really have a chance of becoming it with approval ratings around 20-25% for his party. But this is not what this blog will be about.

After the debate I switched to ARD to Anne Will (wow, I do actually watch not only private tv stations). It was a really good hour I had watching the program since this time not the two sleeping pills of chancellor candidates were arguing but rather journalists and two politicians (Klaus Wowereit and Edmund Stoiber). Anne Will's team also put together a fictional debate between Stoiber and Wowereit. In the clip show they had a part of one of Stoiber's talks in which he mentioned mandatory language tests for children before they enter school.

Surprisingly, all of the big five parties, except Die Linke, supports the idea. I just wonder why it hasn't been realized in most of the states (I think NRW, Hesse and Bavaria are the only ones with such a system). I agree that it is very difficult to determine the performance of children in various situations since some children just don't like to talk in other places apart from home. However, since I dealt with a study about the success of Hauptschüler (children of our lowest education level) it becomes apparent what kind of issue these children have: lack of language competency. Many of them are immigrants and 20% of them don't speak German at home. Those are the ones with the biggest problems. It is also proven that your language competency (especially grammar and spelling) is a major factor in your future (no matter what branch of your career). If your language is good your chances in life become much higher.

Now wouldn't these language tests be helpful, especially for immigrant children who have barely been in Germany for a year or so and are required to understand lessons in German completely if they don't want to fail in school? Don't get me wrong: I don't want these people out of the country. Yet, I think aid programs would be really good for them: send them to language school for a year and then get them into school. In my opinion this would significantly decrease risks of them failing at schools and later having to choose the lowest education level and not have any chances in life. I think it's not about getting rid of these children or cast them out from our education. It is about giving them a real chance in life, a postponed one, but a much better chance than what they might face if it wasn't for such a test.

I don't know if the concept is meant for all children (also non-immigrant children). I am against formal tests where these children would be in a room with a person and has to talk to them. This would just put them under pressure and might result in more failings. However, I am for some sort of evaluation by educators and that they should document critical cases. Seemingly, this is the case in most states already and it is also the main criticism against such a formal test. I just wonder: why then do we still have so many children who are stuck on the lowest education level because somebody (whether it be the parents or educators) missed to teach them a good language early on in life...

9/11 and Religion

Author: TS / Labels: , , , ,

Religious who might fear being trampled all over themselves: don't read it or argue reasonably, as I will probably fail to do so again ;)

Last night I saw two documentaries about 9/11... more or less. One of them was about fates of victims, the other focused more on the terrorists and their "CV". The first one was rather touching for a specific reason. They were talking about how people tried to escape the flames: by jumping out of the window. And some of the relatives even believed for some time that they would surely come to hell, since they committed suicide by jumping out of the window.

You know, I don't doubt that humankind was horrible even before religion arrived on this planet - if there was such a time (Faithful churchgoers probably doubt it). The issue I have is: did religion make matters better or worse? I think it's the latter.

What has religion done so far? Its purpose is probably to console people and show them the way to eternal salvation and happiness. Others say they console people concerning the evil of the world... which religions have caused. I wouldn't go as entirely supporting the second view but there's something to it. Despite humanitarian aids and all the great help some people give religion has also caused an incredible amount of pain and suffering: you think people are witches? Just burn 'em. Somebody says the earth isn't flat? HERESY! BURN HIM! Some people don't agree with you? Bur... no, just kill them all and start an entire crusade. To hell with those nonbelievers. Hell, those buggers even form a very powerful lobby in the US right now. Before every election Democrats have to pay attention that they won't completely endorse marriage for homosexuals or their Christian voters will turn their back on them.

Their missionaries complain about not being heard in other countries or even at home. Hello??? You are homophobes if you don't want to allow homosexuals their equal right. And some even say that gender is predetermined. Well, hurrah: What will you tell all of the intersexuals/hermaphrodites? "Your gender is pretermined, but God wasn't so sure about you... sorry"? I'm sick and tired of people saying "every challenge is a challenge from God and will help you to become a better human being". Great. I wish for these people that the Hindus or Buddhas (not sure which one of them it is) are right: That you will be reborn, preferrably as a rat that will have meds be tested on them or as a person in Africa who has to starve for days just to be able to drink dirty water after that or the most disgusting food just to fill a little part of your stomach.

But I'm getting a "little bit" off topic. Is religion all bad? NO!! Every religion probably has good teachings. However, there are also bad ones. "Kill/Cast out nonbelievers". Great. Teaching tolerance on one side and stating this on the other... ouch. But anyway, there are many great Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc. you name it. Fortunately, they skip the bad parts or take them as bad examples (even if the bad example comes from the Almighty himself), but there are also people who read and follow all of the teachings... or their interpretation... even though "cast out the nonbelievers" seems pretty clear to me. Focusing on Christianity: Sure, Jesus reversed most of the bad stuff and taught everlasting love. But there are soooo many people who rather stick to the Old Testament, sometimes also because they don't believe that that particular Jesus was the Christ.

Are they at fault? Hard to say... Some say karma is a b****. In this case you could say faith is a b****. You will not know before death (or you still won't know then) or God comes to you during life and gives you assignments for life or you just think that God comes to you despite it being just a figment of your imagination. Who knows. Anyway, the innocent and peaceful faithful one are then the ones who worry. Why did it have to come to the following sentence (or something like it): "My husband jumped out of the window. It made me sad for a long time since suicidal ones will surely come to hell, won't they?" This made me really sad. The woman and her family were terrified that they won't see their beloved one again. Whose fault is it? The preachers? The bible says nothing about suicide. Just murder (a planned taking of life... which kind of is suicide). Is it the preachers' fault since they teach that suicide is murder or is it religion's fault (which might have been invented by preachers) or God's fault because he missed to establish a widely-known distinction between different types of suicide? In the case of 9/11: Either you burn (or suffocate) to death or you jump. What would you choose? Of course, for some people there's always hope that they will be saved but in some cases it was already too late (despite not knowing that the towers would just crash). Either you suffocate to death or you're dead within 10 seconds in which you can mentally say good bye to your loved ones and God and then die without any physical pain or you can suffocate to death trying to think of your loved ones while fighting for air.

Anyway, it really shocked me. This young woman who just had to face the death of her husband now pondered whether he jumped. Because if he jumped he'd surely be in hell. In my opinion this woman has an extremely strong will. This double burden must have been horrible. Fortunately she doesn't fear her husband being in hell anymore since she hopes for God to be just and that He will see that those people who jumped only had two choices.

Indeed, religion is a really difficult topic but sometimes I really hoped some verses would have never made their way into the scriptures or at least clarified things more. Having faith but still having to interpret God's words, the preacher's words and your own thoughts can be too much for some.

Am I sorry for this blog? No. I just wish that religion could accomplish what it was REALLY meant to be (hopefully): to spread peace and help people accomplish a good life and salvation. But as Einstein said: Everything is relative, so is the term "good". However, I doubt we will ever have peace with religions on this earth since there are too many fundamentalists who really believe that nonbelievers must die and perish in hell. If God really exists this is my prayer for the world: Please make so people in bad situations won't give into the offers of fundamentalists and terrorists, please help us to establish peace among your people and please console those who fear hell because of suicide or other reasons. This earth is by far the most beautiful planet in the solar system. It doesn't deserve to be destroyed by blinded people or filled with people who are sad because they have to fear punishment, either for themselves or their loved ones. Thank you!

State Elections

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , , ,

Finally... no, what is finally? Am I happy with the results of last week's state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Saarland. Partly.

Why I'm not happy:
- CDU is still the strongest party in all three states
- the Pirate Party only got 1.7% of the votes in Saxony

Why I'm happy:
- Thomas Jurk, top candidate of the SPD, resigned
- Dieter Althaus, FORMER Minister-President of Thuringia, resigned
- the Pirate Party doubled their votes compared to the election of the European Parliament.

What makes me most happy is that Dieter Althaus finally resigned. Why am I so mean, you ask? Well, think about the following facts:

He had to pay 33.000€ to the widower of the woman that died in a crash with Althaus. Is this just the usual favoring of famous people? A life is worth 33.000€??? Are you kidding me? What can this money buy? A nice tombstone, grave and the fees for the grave for the next 20 years? A child lost her mother and a father lost his wife in a crash that Althaus was responsible for. Indeed, it was only negligent killing, but hey. He still killed the woman.

Now, I guess we're used to "normal" people getting "paid" incredibly little money in the case of death, but the way Althaus staged his recovery, his prayers for the family and everything REALLY PISSED ME OFF!!! Instead of giving interviews to local and SERIOUS newspapers he chose the worst broadsheet he could: BILD. If an American reads it: Compare it with the crap "news" station Fox News. This way he tried for a fast political recovery, too. He wanted to be seen as a person who feels very sorry and who has learnt so much from it. What is there to learn? Can anyone tell me? How to stage a political comeback? How not to ski? How to have feelings at all? I don't know.

All I know is that I was relieved when I heard of his resignation.

Adding Insult to Injury

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , ,

The Internet is awesome. There are so many cool and helpful things to find. What I absolutely don't like, however, are status messages. No matter where: Twitter, Facebook, Studi/Schüler/MeinVZ...

Why do I hate it so badly? Telling people what you do may be cool if you need attention but it can really hurt. Best example is telling others that you passed your test (or even better show how awesome you are by stating that ypu got an A/1 etc.) if these others failed and have to read your praise. You know, there are many people whose future might depend on one single grade and I doubt that they're pretty happy to see how many people have passed.

Fortunately, it hasn't happened to me a long time. But when it will happen again I will be pissed again because I'm not such a person filled with charity who can be so hipocritically (does that word even exist?) happy for others when I'm down and feeling stupid as hell.

Q-Cells Overpraised...

Author: TS / Labels:

Wow, one day after I praise Q-Cells' commercial a newspaper reports that Q-Cells will shlash 4 out of 6 plants... just didn't read where... probably in Germany...

OH BOY!! Better not praise any commercials anymore but rather criticize them :D

Good Commercials - Bad Commercials

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , ,

Yeah, a new segment on my blog. I haven't been busy lately but also nothing to write about. Just as a side note: I won the Gamespot presents the HOTSPOT homework assignment: Every week the podcast gives a homework assignment, last week it was "Find a possible last line of a cut scene of a game". Since Electronic Arts/Erklärt Alles/Explains All charges you for the tiniest worthless stuff my idea for the last line was the following: for Sims 4 it would be like: "No, seriously, you really did spend 500 Sim points just to buy this cut scene?" (since there are no cut scenes in a Sims game)

But on to the real stuff: the new segment: Good Commercials - Bad Commercials, and no it will not be a soap opera but rather praises to really intelligently or poorly-done commercials. I only have one good one for this week, though:

Good Commercial:
Q-Cells - a producer of solar cells: The commercial starts off with a cool coreography of drummers and it gets cooler and cooler with cool jumps and cool sounds. Yes, the actors might hold the stick in a wrong way, but it's still cool that it gets revealed more and more what the meaning of the drummers is because you start to see them as units and then standing on solar cells themselves. At the end a young woman wakes up and smiles while the commentary says something like "Q-Cells - the power on your roof". Nice antithesis and anticlimax! Very well done!

Worst Commercials:
1st place goes to Seat Ibiza: I am SO annoyed by their new commercial during which the car salesman shows a customer all the new features of the car and does all kinds of noises. It may be neat the first time but the more you (have to) watch it the more annoying it gets. Too childish. Too senseless. I hate the commercial

2nd place for Weltbild for a new commercial about a new book (sorry, don't know which one). It's soooooo old-fashioned to talk into the camera how nice a service is and those artificial smiles. It seems totally unnatural. GREAT JOB, Weltbild, great job.

3rd place, even though all three are horrible, goes to same problem as Weltbild: the history of a "couple" is told by them in an awkward way: Again it seems very artificial and strange especially when the guy does a typing motion when he talks about how they wrote to each other and a phone motion when talking about their first phone calls. I don't know. I'm not stupid. I know what typing and phoning looks like. In everyday conversation it might not seem to strange but the way they incorporated it just seems strange!

So, that's it. Tell me your thoughts and your stories about weird/ funny/ stupid commercials.

Oh, and check out a cool song: Embassy - "Gravity" - sounds awesome!

Inventions - Letters and Numbers

Author: TS / Labels: , ,

Today's inventions of the day are the written letters and nummbers... despite meant in a rather disadvantageous way. Yes, they organize our everyday-life and led to so much progress, BUT: they cause us to write term papers and you to read this stuff here :D

So, just a random message from me today.

Sleep well and stay in touch... whoever reads this... HI! Me... ooh, I'm talking to myself... see, you're still reading and probably thinking "Ooooooooookaaaaaay, whatever" ;)

Inventions - Watch Band

Author: TS / Labels: , , , ,

My watch band was kind of torn apart today. Now I need to replace it, but until I do so (probably next week) I have to put my watch into one of my pockets. How annoying! Always having to search your watch in your pocket and then taking it out. Valuable seconds that are lost in your life in the process!!! Can you believe it?

Well, so this is my invention of the day. Whoever came up with this idea definitely deserves some praise. You can always carry your watch on your arm without having to put it somewhere and then having to search for it again. Just raise your arm shortly and there you have it: the time. And since I'm so forgetful I can just take another look if I forget the time after one second. Usually I forget the time again which is why I can take just another look at the time.

But maybe it would be better if I didn't have a watchband since I would then take a more careful look at my watch when I want to know the time since I wouldn't want to take my watch out of my pocket once more. Oh well... It's still more comfortable.

Inventions - Examination Regulations

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , ,

What? Examination Regulations? Have you gone totally nuts and not just nuts anymore? Why should it be a cool invention? You know, if there actually are ex. reg. (just abbreviate it) then they can be helpful. They might not be to everybody's liking but at least they can help you structure your studies... IF there weren't some stupid teachers/ lecturers who think they are something better.

At our institute for Applied Anglo-American Studies we have such a nice person. You try to tell him that there are regulations and that a certificate for the course has to have a certain layout he comes right back at you stating he doesn't want his seminar to just be a number and that an oral exam is not enough for you. An additional essay would be just fine: you're a lazy student, you're bored anyway, right? What he doesn't understand is that there are ex. reg. YES, THEY EXIST, even at our university, not just in some West German cities like Heidelberg or Münster. And if you don't know what's in there or how to calculate our results you should have a look at them.

But even with idiots like him you still have your ex. reg. Because in case anything goes wrong you can just take it and show that the overly nice teacher must be bored and that you don't need to prove more than you already have to, which is usually A LOT.

Inventions - Right Mouse Click

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , ,

Last year we were forced to use Mac(intosh)s at university to create PowerPoint Presentations... so we would "learn" how to use PPT and to make people believe that we just progressed in media competence. First, it was a waste of time because I didn't really learn anything useful (yes, transitions are nice but time suckers and unnecessary) and second, most of those who used it for the first time haven't really used it since because there are other methodological methods to bringing a message across. My PPTs also mostly consist of Text, some pictures and maybe a nice pre-programmed background. But nobody cared to tell us anything about citing picture sources in that seminar. Oh well.

I delivered a "nice" presentation about the Boston Red Sox (at least we could choose our topic) while wearing my Red Sox jersey. However, I created the presentation at home, mainly for two reasons: The darn computers didn't seem to have a proper and working save function and there was NO RIGHT MOUSE CLICK on those Macs... What the hell? Yes, you could kind of force the pop-up menu by pressing the Apple key or something but hey: this process requires another arm!! Just for a simple pop-up menu? No, thanks.

Micro$oft has messed up things for the last couple of years but when Bill Gates really was still in charge there were great innovations, one being this beloved right mouse click (at least I think it comes from these folks). Work just goes so much quicker especially if you copy a lot of stuff from the Internet: just click the right mouse button, then save link as and voilà, another window (usually) pops up asking where you want to save the file. Or click right, copy an image and paste it somewhere else again. It's just a few clicks away. SOOOOOO nice.

So, there you have it: our often-used but way to little-appreciated right mouse klick.

Leave a comment if you (dis)agree or have similar stories ;)

Inventions - Rewind, Backspace, Reload

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Remember the old times on a typewriter? Once you typed something the ink rested on the paper and there was no way of erasing it, except, of course, crumbling the paper and throwing it away. There were not only a few people who made mistakes on the last line on a page and had to re-type EVERYTHING!! Was I glad when my mom got our first electronic typewriter with a display where you could check every line before it was typed. Now you received a second chance to edit something before it became final. Sure, I still made mistakes and also still make mistakes on computers but at least I have the chance to edit everything before the ink touches a pixel of the page.

Therefore, this is my invention of the day, week, month? Whatever. Any mistakes you made virtually can be corrected and nobody is ever going to see them and you don't waste bazillions of $,€,£ or else on paper and every tree thanks you for that... if they actually could... but maybe they can. But that's not the issue today.

But I can't imagine what I would do without my nice backspace key on my keyboard here. I don't want to know how many mistakes I make every line. Four to six? More? It's also very amazing to me how such things can be programmed to work in the correct way: a computer has absolutely no problems erasing something only to overwrite it again.

Yet, this is not the only area where a backspace or rewind comes in handy. You didn't understand a part of a song or you need to rewind it so your children or students can understand it better? No problem! The solution is only one key or button away. I really don't know what we would do if we didn't have these options.

"I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake." -
Luis Miguel

But what if some people don't like who they are or what they have done? Sometimes I, too, wished there was a rewind or backspace button with which you could right at least some of your wrongs. But this will never happen. Yes, Christians would say "But Jesus will right your wrongs if you believe in him". 1st: this only applies to the faithful only and 2nd, the errors or even right things will always stand there - unfazed. Even if you did something right you can not try to go a different way that might have been righter or maybe even the wrong one at that time but better or more exciting in the long run. If you missed the fun at one time in your life and realize it later: guess what! There's no way to change it. Yes, life might be more interesting this way and you have to take your chances when they arrive but anybody show me one person who never wished to correct something in his or her life. I doubt there is anybody who never wished to correct at least one part about his or her life. I would have tons to correct or other ways to at least try out. And if it doesn't work: Just click reload to go back to an earlier save game and leave your life the way it is and you might even realize the real beauty of non-perfection.

Intro... once more

Author: TS / Labels: , , , ,

Hola, Hello and Willkommen!

So, this is going to be my second attempt to write a blog. What will this one be about?

Wrestling? NAH, I'm over that stuff. It became much too boring to watch. More of the same every week. I don't need that!

It's going to be about what is on my mind: politics, games, funny words or other stuff, sports (e.g. tennis or baseball) and a special section about what I think are the best inventions no one really thinks about.

Have a nice one and enjoy yourself. If you find any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes, please let me know. This blog is about me: I want to improve my English by writing more about it

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