9/11 and Religion

Author: TS / Labels: , , , ,

Religious who might fear being trampled all over themselves: don't read it or argue reasonably, as I will probably fail to do so again ;)

Last night I saw two documentaries about 9/11... more or less. One of them was about fates of victims, the other focused more on the terrorists and their "CV". The first one was rather touching for a specific reason. They were talking about how people tried to escape the flames: by jumping out of the window. And some of the relatives even believed for some time that they would surely come to hell, since they committed suicide by jumping out of the window.

You know, I don't doubt that humankind was horrible even before religion arrived on this planet - if there was such a time (Faithful churchgoers probably doubt it). The issue I have is: did religion make matters better or worse? I think it's the latter.

What has religion done so far? Its purpose is probably to console people and show them the way to eternal salvation and happiness. Others say they console people concerning the evil of the world... which religions have caused. I wouldn't go as entirely supporting the second view but there's something to it. Despite humanitarian aids and all the great help some people give religion has also caused an incredible amount of pain and suffering: you think people are witches? Just burn 'em. Somebody says the earth isn't flat? HERESY! BURN HIM! Some people don't agree with you? Bur... no, just kill them all and start an entire crusade. To hell with those nonbelievers. Hell, those buggers even form a very powerful lobby in the US right now. Before every election Democrats have to pay attention that they won't completely endorse marriage for homosexuals or their Christian voters will turn their back on them.

Their missionaries complain about not being heard in other countries or even at home. Hello??? You are homophobes if you don't want to allow homosexuals their equal right. And some even say that gender is predetermined. Well, hurrah: What will you tell all of the intersexuals/hermaphrodites? "Your gender is pretermined, but God wasn't so sure about you... sorry"? I'm sick and tired of people saying "every challenge is a challenge from God and will help you to become a better human being". Great. I wish for these people that the Hindus or Buddhas (not sure which one of them it is) are right: That you will be reborn, preferrably as a rat that will have meds be tested on them or as a person in Africa who has to starve for days just to be able to drink dirty water after that or the most disgusting food just to fill a little part of your stomach.

But I'm getting a "little bit" off topic. Is religion all bad? NO!! Every religion probably has good teachings. However, there are also bad ones. "Kill/Cast out nonbelievers". Great. Teaching tolerance on one side and stating this on the other... ouch. But anyway, there are many great Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc. you name it. Fortunately, they skip the bad parts or take them as bad examples (even if the bad example comes from the Almighty himself), but there are also people who read and follow all of the teachings... or their interpretation... even though "cast out the nonbelievers" seems pretty clear to me. Focusing on Christianity: Sure, Jesus reversed most of the bad stuff and taught everlasting love. But there are soooo many people who rather stick to the Old Testament, sometimes also because they don't believe that that particular Jesus was the Christ.

Are they at fault? Hard to say... Some say karma is a b****. In this case you could say faith is a b****. You will not know before death (or you still won't know then) or God comes to you during life and gives you assignments for life or you just think that God comes to you despite it being just a figment of your imagination. Who knows. Anyway, the innocent and peaceful faithful one are then the ones who worry. Why did it have to come to the following sentence (or something like it): "My husband jumped out of the window. It made me sad for a long time since suicidal ones will surely come to hell, won't they?" This made me really sad. The woman and her family were terrified that they won't see their beloved one again. Whose fault is it? The preachers? The bible says nothing about suicide. Just murder (a planned taking of life... which kind of is suicide). Is it the preachers' fault since they teach that suicide is murder or is it religion's fault (which might have been invented by preachers) or God's fault because he missed to establish a widely-known distinction between different types of suicide? In the case of 9/11: Either you burn (or suffocate) to death or you jump. What would you choose? Of course, for some people there's always hope that they will be saved but in some cases it was already too late (despite not knowing that the towers would just crash). Either you suffocate to death or you're dead within 10 seconds in which you can mentally say good bye to your loved ones and God and then die without any physical pain or you can suffocate to death trying to think of your loved ones while fighting for air.

Anyway, it really shocked me. This young woman who just had to face the death of her husband now pondered whether he jumped. Because if he jumped he'd surely be in hell. In my opinion this woman has an extremely strong will. This double burden must have been horrible. Fortunately she doesn't fear her husband being in hell anymore since she hopes for God to be just and that He will see that those people who jumped only had two choices.

Indeed, religion is a really difficult topic but sometimes I really hoped some verses would have never made their way into the scriptures or at least clarified things more. Having faith but still having to interpret God's words, the preacher's words and your own thoughts can be too much for some.

Am I sorry for this blog? No. I just wish that religion could accomplish what it was REALLY meant to be (hopefully): to spread peace and help people accomplish a good life and salvation. But as Einstein said: Everything is relative, so is the term "good". However, I doubt we will ever have peace with religions on this earth since there are too many fundamentalists who really believe that nonbelievers must die and perish in hell. If God really exists this is my prayer for the world: Please make so people in bad situations won't give into the offers of fundamentalists and terrorists, please help us to establish peace among your people and please console those who fear hell because of suicide or other reasons. This earth is by far the most beautiful planet in the solar system. It doesn't deserve to be destroyed by blinded people or filled with people who are sad because they have to fear punishment, either for themselves or their loved ones. Thank you!


Sina said...

Actually I am afraid to comment on this one since your last words were just... stunnning...
You should watch the movie "Zeitgeist" and the second one. I think it would be good for your thoughts about religion (the "Zeitgeist" one) and the other one for your view on the USA.
I guess you know that the church cut pieces of the bible out? And I guess I do not need to tell you which?
Maybe you should write an article about love or luck... I like your thoughtful ones really much! These one make you come out of the cellar ;)

TS said...

Why were my last words stunning? I thought my fourth paragraph was the best :D

I'll watch the movie :)

You mean Constantine paid money so Jesus would be portrayed as the Christ and that they cut out pieces about Maria of Magdala (or whatever her English name was). Or what parts do you mean?

Love or luck? Have I written a blog about that yet... or just a thoughtful one? I thought this was a thoughtful one since the sentence of that woman really struck me and made me sad...

TS said...

Just watched Zeitgeist... I knew about Horus' background since I watched Religulous (kind of offensive movie *lol*) Problem is that there wasn't a lot of evidence for his background... well, kind of understandable if you consider that it might be an astronomical/astrological account rather than something that is real.

Last week Galileo Mystery or just Galileo (not sure) said that the problem of the WTC Explosion Theory is that a building gets blown up from the bottom... and that didn't happen (or they don't know that it happened) WELL... if there were explosions in the basements this makes their argument obsolete.

We will never know what really happened but at least the arguments in Zeitgeist are VERY plausible.

I also thought that the statement that our governments want us to stupefy is way too far fetched. But on another thought: Billions are spent for defense and banks and education? NOOOOOOT so much. Some things are really scary. But well, as I said: we will probably never know which side of the story is true... But thank you for the suggestion of Zeitgeist :)

Sina said...

Wow, two answers from you! I am pretty much shocked ;)
Yeah first of all the stories about Jesus and Constantine, but also Maria Magdalena. Plus the ones about the sixth and seventh book of Mosis (just check wikipedia for the most important things). In addition the real content of the bible, if there is anything like a real content. Because leaving out the part they did, they changed a lot of things. Sice a lot of political decisions are based on religious matters, it might be useful to know about it or - one day far far away - change something.
It WAS a thoughtful one! Which is why I liked it so much! That made me say: Write more often like this! You are doing good.
What I find pretty much more interesting then Horus is the fact that all the gods are the same (birth, wonders, biography...) and makes me ask why do people attack each other if their god is the same?! You see what I mean?
Well... We will never ever know what really happend with the WTC. But I think that since everything is possible, thinking of it as an action from the state against its citizens could make sense. And also should make you think about todays societys and so on.
I did not say everything is truth in the movie, but if you take it as a starting point and go on researching the topics you are interested in, you will see the world with new eyes. There are a lot of things going on that make me afraid. But this is something everybody needs to find out on his/her own.
You are welcome to discussions like that. I would have lend the movie to you if it was not 700km away...
So, take care!

TS said...

Oh, you really liked this blog entry, for a change? ;) Wow :) Cool :) Finally a good blog. I'll try to be more thoughtful. Maybe I will even write more about religion since that is a topic which is pissing me off a lot at the moment.

"Real content of the bible"... hard to believe I believed in it for some time... oh well... I was really surprised in 11th grad religion to hear that it is proven that the creation myth (lol, in English it's even called a myth... how awesome) was written by priests during the captivity in Babylonia (no clue how it's spelled)... to console their people and show them that there is a sense in life because there is God and he wants us to be happy. Wow... really a God-given scripture then, huh? I still wonder why so many religious people fight with the evolutionists if it's proven by their own people that the story is evidently only a MYTH (as we learned from Zeitgeist: something many people believe in but which is FALSE!!!). Yes, I think Darwin's theories are also incomplete... but why do religions fight for their right when they admit that they cannot be right in this discussion.

The problem about these debates is: Zeitgeist is criticized for being non-factual and taking information from amateurs. Well, is the Bible and the other religious works more factual? Nobody really has evidence and thus interprets anything of value in his/her favor. But yes, I know what I mean... Even Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet... just not as the savior...

Sina said...

Weeeeeeeell... I did not say that I do not like your other entries. If I do not like them, I do not comment on them ;) But, yeah, go on like this.
I do not know why say fight although admitting, that they are not right. Guess it is just a thing used by politicians in order to gain more power. Because, think about how many people you can manipulate with religious matters. It works! You could not do this with Darwin or something else.
I think you may get now why my religion teacher threw me out after 2 classes (or even less? I do not know) I started critizising him and his thoughts, because I felt (not knew, how should I?) that things should be discussed. He still does not like me today ...
To your last paragraph: It is not just amateurs. But everybody with another point of view is critizised since he makes people think. And that is what politicians and so on do not want...

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