Schäuble Unser

Author: TS / Labels: , ,

Dear Children,

The good Lord sees everything,
The good Lord hears everything,
The good Lord knows everything,
Thus let us pray together:

Our Father in the wheelchair,
hallowed be your name,
May your fourth reich come.
Your will be done,
in foreign and domestic affairs.
Give us today our daily trojan horse,
and always suppose our guilt,
as we denounce
those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
but deliver us from evil.
For our genetic data
and the surveillance state
and data retention are yours
now and for ever.


I so love it!


Sina said...

I f***ing hate this stuff!!!

TS said...

Why? ;)

Sina said...

You are kind of snoopy (I have to use this word, 'cause I did not know that it means "neugierig") ;)
Just because it again mixes religious and political matters.
Plus, it uses something that is pretty important to religious people to make fun of somebody, which could be seen as an offence from both sides.
Just do not like it. As I do not like all the election campaigns and rainy days and...

TS said...

It might offend both sides, but hey... don't we have freedom of speech in this country? I think Satire is necessary in this country. Even if it mixes religion and politics. But without Satire we wouldn't know a lot about the reality of politics. Sometimes I wonder if the press isn't enforced to be conform yet. Where is the criticism that was there some years ago? Nobody really questions the real problems of Germany: education, freedom of thought and speech and the future. I don't know if you watched the tranquilizing Kanzlerduell. But did they have serious questions? Not really! And even if they asked something more noteworthy the answer was "Well, certainly there have to be rules" or "We need to find a solution for this together". What the hell? Why didn't they ask for specific ideas? Barely anything was noticeable.

I suggest you watch Volker Pispers if you find some time. Just type in his name on YouTube! He is awesome. Best poitical satirist we have in Germany.

And of course I'm curious. What else should I be? ;)

Everyday when I see all of these stupid campaign banners I think "How much would I like to tear them down or write the truth on there". I mean Schäuble's one says "Wir haben die Kraft für Sicherheit und Freiheit". Did I miss something? Where are we free? Ok, we still are free in some ways but every year there are new bans and restrictions.

Or Die Linke: "Reichtum für alle" and "Reichtum besteuern". Say what? What now? Prosperity for everybody or nobody? Don't understand it.

SPD: "Gerechtigkeit für alle Generationen". Which generation is depicted? Only the retired people.

FDP: "Arbeit muss sich wieder lohnen". After they are done with their reforms work will make sense again... for the rich people.

And the Greens are complaining about Schäuble while they supported Schily some years ago who is almost as bad of a freak as Schäuble. Well, at least he does accept the Oder-Neiße border, unlike Schäuble.

I know that I lost many of my thoughts once again... but hey, you'll find my thought gaps... as usual ;)

Sina said...

First you should ask, why nobody questions what is going on over here? Any ideas? But without somebody questioning there can not be crtizism or new ways of thinking. I am not against this stuff like the one above. As I said, I just do not like it as I do with rainy days, election campaigns,...
How the hell should I watch it? I do not have a TV for 2 years now and I could not find it online. I heard a lot about it and I think: What should they have said? If they would have said the truth, which is that they do not know what to do, how to go on and so on, nobody would vote for them! In addition although people say that this was kind of a fake, nobody really wants to hear the truth. If I would tell you what is going on in university at the moment, you would think how much of a fool I am. Just because you do not know better and think that it can not be like this.
Volker Pispers is somebody I have not noticed yet. But do you know "Scheibenwischer"? It is something I like very much....
You know... I do not know you as being curious. I just know you as a student.
Everyday when I see these campaign banners I just think about how much they cost and what good things one could do with the money. It is depressing. You should see Berlin at the moment! It makes my head spin. Whereever you go, every spot, every lantern, every whatever is full with these. Even walls! Kind of feels like Big Brother. Weird.
To Schäuble: You did not miss a thing. In a way we still are pretty free. We should not complain to much. Other countries are worse. But it is kind of golden cage. I would ask myself where the power for safety is...
To Die Linke: Go along and look at their other banners. You will find more examples like this one. I do not like them for this reason, but talking to my boyfriend makes me dislike them even more. Since they are... strange in a way...
To SPD: Well, they also have ones with education/jobs/... for everybody... Tell me how they want to do this! Plus, I had the honor of talking to an SPDler. He did not know himself - he did not even know the election promises.
To FDP: I do not give a lot for them...
To the Greens: If you want to have some fun, read their election promises. It is good! No, seriously - do not do it. It is wasted time.
You missed the CDU, which I am pretty sad about. Come on! ;)
Well, I do not find all you thought gaps. If this blog would be in German, I would tell my boyfriend to have a look at it. But - lucky you - you are writing in English. So, he will never ever answer somehow. It is good since his comments would be much longer and much less nice than mine are.
Did anything else cross your mind? Something you missed in this entry?

TS said...

Why does no one criticize anymore? Maybe because those "criticizers" of the media are controlled by the state... or no spontaneity, or they have been stupified already or... we LOVE LIES, as you kinda mentioned...

Well, I think many people would like to hear the truth, including me. I want them to be honest. Hey, those idiots are supposed to be role models for us... by lying and flip-flopping? Well, thank you! I can live without that! And maybe the German people don't want to hear the truth anymore... as do many other peoples. But I read an interesting article how people were conditioned to expect specific things in movies (e.g. a policeman always using a flashlight instead of switching on the light... since it would destroy any tension of the movie if you could see everything). I think people need to be trained to hear the truth and cope with it again. But the more you lie or the more you say sth. the more people believe in it. Sometimes I'm glad we don't have a news program like Fox News (US station which was controlled by Bush... ultra-conservative idiots who love to change some facts in their favor). This doesn't happen with our news stations yet. Ours are way too little critical. They just repeat and leave it... sometimes... well, I don't know... would be nice to write a term paper about it, wouldn't it... but I guess I can't really choose topics like that^^

Just checked out Scheibenwischer... yep, exactly like Pispers... maybe less critical but equally funny. AWESOME! Thank you for the advice! Pispers attacks the core more. You should really check him out on Youtube.

Banners... oh yes, problem for me is: I want to know what's on them, mostly to laugh about them :D But if I'm driving it also tends to get dangerous because you focus your attention on sth. else... and not the street. But yes, they cost A LOT. And who do they get the money from... no, what do they get the money from: TAXES!!! We pay their damn commercials! I so wished we had the American system in this aspect: Finance it with the help of donations.

In what kind of way are they "strange"? Because they are far from reality?

I didn't attack CDU? Holy crap. Maybe because they don't even have a program/ clue -.- But if you really want me to... no, seriously, how could I forget about that... I think the Internet community posted good things. I'll post another blog with modified banners showing you my opinion about them.

But you know what I'm surprised: you said you are not sure what party to vote for but have two "choices"... doesn't seem to be one of the bigger parties *lol*

What would your boyfriend write? Critical things about my blog or the parties? Am I too critical for him?

Sina said...

To your first paragraph: I guess it is a bit of everything. But living with lies makes life kind of easier... Plus you are used to them. Everybody lies at you. The thing is, what is the truth? Because if you want to show it on statistics or what have you, you can not, they are false. What do you imagine to happen if people would know the truth? Do you think they would try to change something? I guess as long as they think "This is not my problem..." they will not. Also if they recognize that it actually IS their problem, they kind of ask you what they should do, because they think they do not have the power to change anything. So living with lies is "better"... You do not need to worry about stuff you can not change (which is NOT my opinion).
Truth-Training ;) I like the idea! Well... You said that are TV stations are not like FOX. But in which way are they different? They also do not question something, they just show the opinions. You think they are not controlled? They are! Which is why they show just what they are allowed to. Same for newspapers etc.
You would have to study politics for such a paper I think ^^ But it would prove that you can come out of the cellar ;)
I will check Pispers. Promised! Good to know that you like Scheibenwischer.
YEah, a system like the American one would be good for those commercials. I agree on this. I do not really recognize them anymore. I have seen them too often.
I needed to read my own post to find out about the "strange" part. Yeah, because they are pretty much far away from reality. In addition, they work like this. If there is some kind of celebration around. They go there with all the locally well known people and talk to some that were invited about people they want. Afterwards they go to the people they just talked about and say "Hey xy, I heard your mum is ill. Do you have ways to pay her medicine?" - "No it is too expensive..." - "Well if you vote for us..." You see what I mean? They tend to go and talk to the people about their private matters...
Thanks for the CDU post. I liked it pretty much! I even changed my way of eating breakfast... I do not start it with newspaper, but with your blog and commenting. *laughing* Even if these two choices are bigger parties, I would find enough to argue with you. Since I do not want to bore you and since they all give you enough to argue.
No, I guess he would like your blog really a lot (if it would be German). And he would tell you that since you are only 21 you think a lot about things. But he would be even more critical and sarcastical. In a way he has a lot more experince with this stuff then we have, so he could tell you a lot more then I can do. I find it pretty sad that we are arguing alone. Would be a lot of fun if somebody would join us...

TS said...

Wow, you put an awful lot of pressure on me. This means that I have to answer every day if you start out reading my blog :) But my start is similar to your old one. Just that I read the digital newspaper called Internet... you know the thing that Schäuble is trying to print... like my e-mails? ;)

Well, but the next will probably take 1 or 2-3 more days. I will include some comments from users on about the school axing (no, not shooting) in Ansbach... I'm also thinking about writing that one in German, in case some people do read that... even though the blog was just meant as a means to not forget the English language. However, it's still awesome to know that somebody actually reads my stuff :) YEAH :)

But to your comment: of course people would want to change things if they knew how issues affected their lives or the lives of their beloved ones... if they still have a heart, which I doubt in many human cases... OK, maybe they'd not try to change anything. I guess you're probably right. Almost everyday I think to myself "Why do you idiot still care about this stuff? You can't change anything, anyway. Your vote counts 0.0066% or so and those idiots are running this beautiful country down the cliff. Why do you care? It just makes you extremely sad!". Maybe that's the reason why people don't care: they want to have a happy life and hope that issues won't affect them.

How are tv stations different Well, you see that they aren't controlled as much if you take a look at Michel Friedman (horrible past, but cool guy with awesome questions for his guests): he has a weekly program on N24 and just interviewed a minister of Bavaria (CSU) and Ms Höhn (or sth. like it, Grüne). He was tearing their arguments apart. Especially the CSU had nothing really to answer. If you ever gt a hold of a tv: watch N24 at 23:30 on Wednesdays and Thrusdays. But I guess the state-regulated ones (ARD etc.) are controlled, of course. And you can see the power of our politicians right there. A debate between ALL candidates of ALL big parties was planned this weekend on ZDF and they would include questions by students which would be voted into the show... I guess Merkel got afraid when she heard it: Guess what! Dropped out... some hours later Steinmeier hears that Merkel drops out: why the hell should I go then? If she's not there? I'm not going to play the ping pong ball for the opposition... it's ridiculous... there you can see how powerful today's opposition is: they have absolutely no power because the ASSHOLE from up above just duck and cover as soon as there is an argument granate flying in. HELP! I need to think when facing them. And everybody would see me thinking and they could see that I can't really say more than what I memorized last night... Hell no, I ain't doin' that... let's just send a minister there. S/he can handle it! BULLSHIT!!!

Didn't really understand your cellar comment, though?!

Good thing, your boyfriend would like it. It always sounded like he'd be totally against it *lol* I mean it would brighten up the discussion (if he argues reasonably). But who hates being supported, right?

Concerning Fox News: Here are two links to show you how they work. I don't think our media has come as far as downright lying as badly as that:

Sina said...

No no, you do not have to answer every day ;) Do not worry about it! Yeah, I also read the digital newspaper in the morning, since it would cost me an awful lot of money to let it deliever to my apartment.
Well Schäuble will need a lot of time for it then ;) Plus somebody who is translating.
Of course people are reading your stuff. I hope that you do not start to write in German, because your blog helpes me not to forget the English language and if we do not have "Sprachpraxis" this semester it might be the only chance to practice! Think about it!
I would agree on what you said in your 3rd paragraph, but if everybody thinks like this, change is never going to happen. I also thought about leaving the country after my studies, but where to go? Plus I see a tendency that as soon - and please forgive my comparison - as somebody like Hitler will come and give work to the people no matter what and how they will vote for him and they will do what he says. History has a tendency to repeat itself... Sad as it is... And you know, when I notice something going this direction I will be away, definitly.
I took note of your comment about Friedman. Really there should have been such a show on ZDF? I did not know about this. Awful... It just does not make me wonder anymore... You know more about it? What kind of students? Should they show the questions before? ... When will you face politicians? I did and I know that it is something I would not like to do again, just if I really have to. It was impressive in its own way.
The cellar comment... It just was kind of a hidden compliment about your blog. Meaning that I find it as good as my homepage, but in a different way / on a different topic.
"But who hates being supported, right?" I do not understand that question... Guess he would brighten up the discussion *sight* Telephone calls tend to be endless when we are discussion. You would have to put a sign limitation into your blog.
I will have a look at your links when I am back home tomorrow. At the moment I am staying at a friends, because we are going to play theatre today. Which... by the way includes also political issues at the moment... It is just everywhere..
Have a nice weekend!

TS said...

I doubt people read my stuff... rather "person", namely you. I even tried to invite new people again but it doesn't seem like they are interested... IDIOTS :D They have no idea about what they're missing! ;)

Well, the questions for the ZDF show were asked by StudiVZ students and the questions with the most thumbs up were asked... I guess. But it's kinda weird. The show was broadcasted live on and ZDF will only show the highlights tonight... whatever their understand of highlights is^^

And thank you for your compliment :)

The new blog will probably go up tomorrow or Tuesday... or Wednesday... or later... we'll see :D But since you are the only reader I will post it in English, even though there will probably be a mix with comments of other web sites in German...

TS said...

and just a quick correction: Steinmeier did appear on the mentioned show... sorry

Sina said...

True, they have really no idea what a lot of interesting stuff they miss.
Oh, will you watch the show tonight? Maybe you can tell me what they picked as Highlights?!
Am I really the only one??? Feels a bit strange... Great, so their will be some exercise for my English at least.
Steinmeier did? Wow...that is a surprise. How was he?

TS said...

Sorry, I watched the discussion between Gysi, Westerwelle and Künast on RTL. It was really cool. But all the videos are available online at Youtube... approx. 1 hour for every candidate. Wow. But I don't know if I'll watch it since I have already made my decision and I'm starting to get tired of all the "arguments" so I can't tell you how Steini did.

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