Murderer coverage vs. Victim Protection

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , ,

The dilemma of “school shootings”

Why put the term “school shootings” in quotation marks? The term was defined some years ago, I guess after two crazy lunatics shot a lot of people, including themselves, at Columbine High School, Columbine, MI. But maybe earlier, I’m not sure. Mostly school shootings were “shootings”. However, last week there was an incident that was a bit different. It wasn’t a shooting, it was rather a “school axing” and “school Molotov cocktailing”, which happened in Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. “School assassination” or at least “attempted school assassination” would fit much better here. Fortunately there was another difference to past incidents. Nobody died, or at least has died yet. A girl who was hit in the head by an axe is still in coma, as is the committer of these horrible acts (I don’t know about the third girl who is still in the hospital, too). To be honest, I hope all three survive. I hope the girls survive, preferably with the ability to fully heal, so they can enjoy life, or at least what will be left. And the other one so he can await a trial and atone for his crimes.

But that’s not up to me. And it’s not the goal of my post. It’s rather about searching for reasons and ranting about the media. This immediately brings me to my first point: media coverage of the event. Not one day passed before the picture of the guy (let’s call him “guy”) was shown everywhere again: TV, Internet, you name it. The problem I have with this is: he had been captured already. There is absolutely no need of posting his picture since nobody was searching for him anymore. When will the media realize that for most of these people exactly this picture is their goal? Even though most won’t be able to feel this moment of glory anymore, but they die with the thought of being covered for the next week. It is already proven that the guy looked up to the past school shootings and the murderers. I wonder why they were like a role model to him? He hated people, was left out by others and this was his chance to become famous. He might have even be loved by others who planned the next school assassination if he had killed enough people and died as a martyr. Therefore, to the media: PLEASE STOP POSTING THOSE DAMN PICTURES AND EVEN NAMES OF THESE IDIOTS!

It doesn’t have anything to do with his looks or name: what is more important is searching and then solving the reasons and something I have missed for a long time: victim protection or compensation. At the moment everybody is talking about the guy, barely anybody about the victims and what consequences this act will have on their future. If the girls are lucky they will completely heal PHYSICALLY. But there’s another side to a human being: the psychological aspect. They will NEVER EVER completely heal in this area. No matter how many psychologists will care for them and how good they might me. Some victims even think that it was their fault that they got injured or almost killed. Others might think that it was their fault that they couldn’t protect their friends. Depression can be the result. My hope is that this will not be the case. But where can you find this aspect of the event? Yes, they are covering that psychologists go to the school and that there are voluntary school activities. But still: I still have the impression that the guy is covered more than these victims. Another aspect is compensation. Hopefully, insurance companies will pay the victims every cent of their rehabilitation. But what comes after that? Maybe there is nerve damage and they might not be able to do the job they wished to do. What is then? I doubt insurance companies will pay the money for the job they wished to practise. I know that these last sentences are pure speculation and even catastrophizing. But it’s still possible. Moreover, I know that no money will be able to heal wounds but what good will a prison sentence do to the victims? They know that they can’t be attacked by him for the next 10 years (MAYBE forever), but will constantly be afraid that something like this might happen somewhere else again. Again: victim protection and compensation is very problematic, but nobody is really talking about that *sigh* (OK, this paragraph was kind of unstructured and probably too speculative, but these are my thoughts).

But staying on topic victim protection: this time preventive. One reason why the Carolinum, the school the school assassination took place at, wasn’t safer is because of a nice law or organisation we have in this nice yet extremely, stupidly bureaucratized country: GEZ, Gebühreneintreibungszentrale. An organisation that takes money from the public for a device that might be able to receive radio signals which could be used to watch or listen to ARD, ZDF and their affiliates, the TV/ radio stations which are governed by public law. The managers of the Carolinum wanted to install a school shooting alarm. However, the problem was that these devices would have worked with radio waves and therefore would have cost the school a lot of money. A publicly-funded body needs to pay a different publicly-funded body. HOW F***ING RIDICULOUS IS THAT??? The school couldn’t pay for these fees and therefore didn’t install these devices. They could have prevented a lot. But no, our stupid laws prevents more security. Oh wait, no they don’t: We are secure, because the BKA (the German CIA) can read our e-mails, text messages and prevent any such actions: This school axing is just a figment of our imagination! WE ARE SAFE… aren’t we?

So instead of a school shooting/ assassination alarm the other alarm the school had was triggered. What was the other alarm? Fire alarm. And guess what: The guy threw Molotov cocktails (burning things!) into classrooms so the students and teachers would come out. He waited for students in the hallways so he could axe them. So much more could’ve happened. Oh, praised be our security!

As an end to this post I will put some comments of users to an article on ( which pretty much resemble my opinion and also gave me the idea for this post:

Dumm für jene
welche die Wurzel alles Übel an allen Amokläufen bei den Sportschützen und ihren gefährlichen Waffen sehen. Was sollte jetzt geschehen ? Alle Äxte und leeren Flaschen verbieten, so das von denen keine Gefahr mehr ausgehen kann. Das Problem ist immer der Täter und nicht die jeweilige Waffe die er benützt. Das Problem sind überforderte Kinder und zuviel von ihren Kindern fordernde Eltern. Das Problem sind mobbende Mitmenschen und eine Erziehung welche die selbstverwirklichten Eltern zu gerne der Strasse überlassen.

Die üblichen Verdächtigen
Grausigerweise können jetzt diejenigen recht haben, die behaupten, dass Amokläufe nie auszuschließen sind. Nun werden alltägliche Gebrauchsgegenstände zur Waffe, was in Sportschützen- und Jägerkreisen zur Verteidigung der ständigen Vorwürfe gegen Waffen in Privatbesitz schon immer vorgebracht wurde. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, endlich nach den wahren Ursachen zu forschen. Eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle, wenn nicht gar der Auslöser, ist ständiges und aggressives Mobbing (früher Hänseleien genannt). Jetzt werden sie Farbe bekennen müssen, die Mobber. Ihre Rolle wurde in Erfurt und Winnenden überhaupt nicht beleuchtet. Doch es gibt nur einen Schuldigen, der der die Tat verübte. Jeder ist für seine Taten letzten Endes persönlich verantwortlich.

Amok Berichterstattung.
Es ist erwiesen, daß Berichte über Suizide die Nachahmung unterstützen. Das ist seit Jahrhunderten bekannt, spätestens seit "Goethe: Das Leiden des jungen Werther.". Sollte die Berichterstattung über Amok Läufe nicht ähnlich wie über Suizide schlicht eingestellt werden?

Die Politik
wird es sich jetzt wieder einfach machen. Killerspiele sind bestimmt schuld und das Elternhaus. Dabei ist es die von der Politik geformte Gesellschaft, bei denen für die Jugend an Vorbildern mangelt. Ein Kind kommt nie schlecht auf wie Welt sondern wird so gemacht.

Have a safe day, everybody :)


Sina said...

So, now, I finally will comment on your stuff. Guess you have been waiting for me to do so?! ;)
Who really cares about how you call it? It is just not right to do such a thing. If you really need to name it, maybe "school massaker" would fit too. I came across some newspapers and they were pretty creative. Best thing was the one with the 4 big red letters. You know, I think it hurts the victims even more when they have to read all this in the newspaper. Why not put it as a small article? Since there are a lot of horrible crimes happening everyday and nobody notices them...
I also hope that the girls will be fine in some way. Nevertheless their life will be a mess. Forever. Nobody can change this.
The guy is pretty unimportant to me. Whatever happens to him, it will not undo what he did.
To your second paragraph: I totally agree.
Of course the guy is much more covered than everybody else. Do you know about the "Weisser Ring"? They work on the side of the victims. Problem is, nobody really knows that they excist. Although they are doing a pretty good job.
Nobody and no insurance pays all that is going to be in the future. They have to cover most of it on their own. A real problem... And no, you are not catastrophizing... As I heard about the insuries I can tell you, that their will be a problem (maybe not a full disability).
By the way it is "Gebühreneinzugszentrale", not what you wrote. Although it fits *laughing*
I did not know about this alarm stuff. It is pretty interesting. Need to find out more.
You know that I think that we are NOT safe. Just because of all these SAFETY measures.
To the first comment: I agree nearly. Some kids are overstraind. But on the other hand, some would need more tasks. It is a problem every teacher will also face. So think about it! What would you do??? Mobbing is dangerous, true.
Second statement: Sooooooo true!
Third: Would be an idea. But you have to report about it. Changing the ways of reporting would be good.
Forth: Yeah - killer games and LARP and so on... I am tired of these arguments.

Since I am in Berlin at the moment, I think I could be nowhere safer ;)

TS said...

Indeed, I have been waiting ;)

Yes, school massacre... the Columbine incident was called a massacre... after that only shooting... oh well

Yes, I have heard of the Weißer Ring and I'm glad about their work. But that's not enough. Many people, including victims, have never heard about it and are then all by themselves. And that's the sad point.

In my life they are the Eintreibungszentrale. Always annoying, always senseless and in my opinion they act against our constitution since the billing is extremely unfair. But this is another chapter in "Welcome to Germany, please leave your sense behind you".

Because of all the terror threats security at the train stations was significantly increased. Do you think I felt safe when I saw a cop with an uzi hanging in front of his breast? I was like "WTH? Is this really necessary??". Even if there are terror threats: so what? Do the cops need bigger guns to conquer those idiots? NO! Suicide Bombers have tended to act by themselves and were either captured days before their act or they couldn't be stopped since they hid their stuff well enough. These cops won't have to get into a firefight with an entire gang of people, at least I don't think so.

Sina said...

You should write a book called "Welcome to Germany - please leave your sense behind you" I guess you would make millions of Euros. ;) But it would even be better if it would be in German.
First of all I needed to google "uzi"... I would not feel any safer then, in contrast I would feel really weird. But you are pretty right with your last paragraph.

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