State Elections

Author: TS / Labels: , , , , , , ,

Finally... no, what is finally? Am I happy with the results of last week's state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Saarland. Partly.

Why I'm not happy:
- CDU is still the strongest party in all three states
- the Pirate Party only got 1.7% of the votes in Saxony

Why I'm happy:
- Thomas Jurk, top candidate of the SPD, resigned
- Dieter Althaus, FORMER Minister-President of Thuringia, resigned
- the Pirate Party doubled their votes compared to the election of the European Parliament.

What makes me most happy is that Dieter Althaus finally resigned. Why am I so mean, you ask? Well, think about the following facts:

He had to pay 33.000€ to the widower of the woman that died in a crash with Althaus. Is this just the usual favoring of famous people? A life is worth 33.000€??? Are you kidding me? What can this money buy? A nice tombstone, grave and the fees for the grave for the next 20 years? A child lost her mother and a father lost his wife in a crash that Althaus was responsible for. Indeed, it was only negligent killing, but hey. He still killed the woman.

Now, I guess we're used to "normal" people getting "paid" incredibly little money in the case of death, but the way Althaus staged his recovery, his prayers for the family and everything REALLY PISSED ME OFF!!! Instead of giving interviews to local and SERIOUS newspapers he chose the worst broadsheet he could: BILD. If an American reads it: Compare it with the crap "news" station Fox News. This way he tried for a fast political recovery, too. He wanted to be seen as a person who feels very sorry and who has learnt so much from it. What is there to learn? Can anyone tell me? How to stage a political comeback? How not to ski? How to have feelings at all? I don't know.

All I know is that I was relieved when I heard of his resignation.


Sina said...

While you were writing this, he choose to come back... Sorry...
But you are right about how much to pay for a life. You can not. No money can bring the woman back, no words, no nothing...
And to the elections... I was puzzled about the way you favour the pirates. Did I miss something?! Actually, I am worried about the fact that there are 7 seats for people from the right now in Saxony. Plus "die Linke" got a lot more votes than last time. Which makes me worry too. So in contrast to you, I am not happy, but worried.
I have to admit, that I do not really know who to vote for. My boyfriend and I have discussed a lot, but well...
Btw... There is a new link behind my name. Check it out!

TS said...

Yeah, you're entirely correct when you mention the NPD. I kind of forgot about them when I wrote the article and had other things in mind. It troubles me, too. Let's see how many of them will be there at the end of next term. I just hope that people will get a brain again and vote for someone else.

However, I do not worry about the left on state level. Where their views are ludicrous at Federation level they are not as bad at state level.

Look at my logo at StudiVZ ;) My general view is extremely favorable towards the Pirates. Unfortunately, I can't vote for them on Sep 27. Nevertheless, I will go vote and I already know for whom even though I disagree on many issues with them.

Try the Wahl-O-Mat, maybe that can help you.

Sina said...

I do not get why you can not vote for them... Again something I missed...
Well, I tried the Wahl-O-Mat, but there were three parties at the same level then... Si I would have to decide between them, which does not make it better. No matter, I will vote too.
Thanks for your comment. I will come and visit you in the cellar. ;)

TS said...

They missed to establish a list with candidates for the general election on time since they didn't have enough members at that time. Only after the election of the European Parliament there were many new members. It's kind of weird.

Well, if these three parties aren't the NPD, DVU and REP just look at which party has the most bad views: whoever has the fewest: take them ;)

Thanks for visiting me ;)

Sina said...

Actually it is weird, yeah.
Noooooo... of course the three parties were not the ones you mentioned. I got my paperes for voting today and I guess I really have to think about it again.
No problem! ;)

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